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Each year over 200,000 people move to Florida. Many move here for the weather, the quality of life, or to get away from the tax burden of their former state. Each new resident has the potential of saving thousands of dollars if they are knowledgeable about these opportunities.
Florida's economy has long depended upon its visitors and new residents. In most areas of the state, real estate and construction are the engines that make the economy go. By educating our new residents and informing them of strategies to break free from the tax bondage of the state they moved away from, to use the homestead exemption to reduce property taxes, and to take advantage of other money saving opportunities, we free up more money to bolster the Florida economy. With 200,000 new residents, these savings can total tens of millions of dollars each year.
These tips and strategies are presented in detail in The Official Snowbird's Guide To Becoming A Florida Resident. It is the only book available that addresses these issues and is designed to save a new Florida resident thousands of dollars.
It is my goal to get The Official Snowbird's Guide To Becoming A Florida Resident into the hands of at least 10% of the people moving to Florida in the next four months. Here are some ways you can help:
1. Buy The Book: You can order it today at Amazon and Barnes and Noble's Website.
2. Buy It In Bulk: You can get a substantial discount by buying in bulk. If you are a realtor, financial adviser, or anyone whose business serves visitors to Florida or new Florida residents, you can position yourself as a trusted adviser by providing valuable material that will save your client or customer thousands of dollars. CLICK HERE to e-mail me for bulk orders and more information. Just type "Bulk Orders" in the subject line.
3. Write A Review On Amazon: Tell others what you think about The Official Snowbird's Guide To Becoming A Florida Resident by clicking the "Create Your Own Review" button on my Amazon sales page.
4. Like It On Facebook: Visit our Facebook page and Click the "Like" button. Ask your friends to like the page also. Nothing is better than a trusted recommendation from you.
5. Tweet It: A great way to spread the word is through social media.
6. Send An E-Mail To Your Friends: Whether you have 1 or 1,000 friends, I would greatly appreciate you letting them know about the book.
7. Speaking Events: If you are having an event and think your attendees would be interested in hearing Dean speak about the advantages of becoming a Florida resident and how to do it, please contact me. Also, I am available to speak to your group with an informative and entertaining program.
8. Tell Us Your Story: Let me know what you liked about the book, living in Florida or any interesting experiences you have had visiting or residing in our great state. Found a great restaurant? Bed and Breakfast? Golf course? Recreation area or anything unique and fun? I'm always looking for new and interesting subjects for my Floridology Blog. Click here to e-mail me.
9. Share the Video: Send this video to your friends. It will give them all the fantastic reasons to move to Florida.